Eco-pathway Bankya. 30 March 2014.

Cultivated strawberries DSCF0158 Forest path Dog house in a pond? Thorn DSCF0163 DSCF0164 DSCF0165 Ducks in a pond. White cock. White ponny. Ponny Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Fishing rod Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Pond French fries French fries Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Grilled trout DSCF0190 Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Curious dog DSCF0195 DSCF0196 DSCF0197 DSCF0198 DSCF0199 Sun loving kitten. Sun loving kitten. DSCF0203 DSCF0204
Curious dog




Weathercat :)

Weathercat :)



Yellow violet ;)

Bankya Eco-path

A small park near the city of Bankya with a golf club and small lake full of fish.

There is a small pub near the lake – If you want, they will cook fresh fish for you.

The path is very easy and full of nice views.

Definitely a good place to visit in your spare time if you go to Bankya town.

Here is a link to the aerial map:

Еко пътека на здравето.

(гр. Банкя)

Това е малък парк в края на град Банкя, близо до кварталите Градоман и Михайлово.

Има малко езерце с риба по пътя и прилежаща кръчма, в която има прясно приготвена от същата.

Пътеката е много лесна за разходка, почти няма денивелация.

Определено много добро място за губене на време, ако сте в Банкя.

Ето връзка към карта на района с детаили:

Urvich – Zheleznica. 16 Feb 2014.

DSCF0001 Urvich, gazebo DSCF0004 DSCF0005 Villa Urvich DSCF0009 DSCF0010 DSCF0011 DSCF0012 DSCF0013 DSCF0018 DSCF0019 DSCF0020 DSCF0021 DSCF0022 DSCF0023 DSCF0024 DSCF0025 DSCF0026 DSCF0027 DSCF0028 Trudovaka Trudovaka Trudovaka DSCF9965 DSCF9966 Curious cat Curious cat Curious cat Curious cat Orthodox monastery church Orthodox monastery church Orthodox monastery Orthodox monastery church Orthodox monastery church Orthodox monastery church Metal "Klepalo" Metal "Klepalo" Metal "Klepalo" Bee hives Young tree moss DSCF9989 Villa Urvich DSCF9991 DSCF9992 DSCF9993 DSCF9994 DSCF9995 DSCF9996 DSCF9997 DSCF9998 DSCF9999

Urvich castle

This is one new excavation of the old Urvich castle.

It is claimed the grandson of Todor Jivkov owns it.

It is not true. The actual owner is a bulgarian business man with the same family name who is not direct descendant of the old communist leader.

Vladimir Jivkov owns the nearby villa with medieval motives and small art exhibition placed inside, not the whole castle.

Крепостта “Урвич”

Това са новите разкопки на крепостта “Урвич”.

Има непроверен слух, че крепостта е частна собственост на внука на Тодор Живков.

Това е градска легенда. Собственикът е български бизнесмен, чието фамилно име съвпада с това на бившият соц. лидер.

Владимир Живков не притежава цялата крепост а близката вила издържана в средновековен български стил и има малка художествена галерия вътре.

Vladaya – Rudarci. 13 April 2013.

Rock face

It’s probably a troll 🙂

DSCF8099 DSCF8100 DSCF8102 DSCF8103 DSCF8108 DSCF8110 DSCF8111 Pesho Vladayski Stoill Barzakov A bricky face :) DSCF8126 DSCF8127 DSCF8128 DSCF8130 DSCF8132 DSCF8134 DSCF8135 DSCF8136 DSCF8138 DSCF8139 DSCF8140 DSCF8141 DSCF8142 Cheap advertisement from Milka Marchaevo village. Pesho again. Woodpecker DSCF8162 DSCF8163 DSCF8164 Woodpecker's favorite tree DSCF8166 DSCF8167 DSCF8168 DSCF8169 DSCF8171 DSCF8172 DSCF8173 Pesho abandoned us for those grannies and their sandwiches


One good spring trip.

I’ve found many interesting things for shooting but not all of them are worthy of showing.

We were accompanied by a friendly dog and named him “Pesho Vladayski”.

I found a woodpecker and his favorite tree, a brick with the form of a face and many plants I don’t recognize.

Една много приятна пролетна разходка.

Срещнах доста неща за снимане, но не всички са достойни за показване.

През цялото време ни ескортираше един пес, който кръстихме “Пешо Владайски”.

Срещнах един кълвач и любимото му дърво за лов на корояди и термити, както и доста растения, които не разпознавам.