Eco-pathway Bankya. 30 March 2014.

Cultivated strawberries DSCF0158 Forest path Dog house in a pond? Thorn DSCF0163 DSCF0164 DSCF0165 Ducks in a pond. White cock. White ponny. Ponny Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Fishing rod Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Pond French fries French fries Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Grilled trout DSCF0190 Ducks in a pond. Ducks in a pond. Curious dog DSCF0195 DSCF0196 DSCF0197 DSCF0198 DSCF0199 Sun loving kitten. Sun loving kitten. DSCF0203 DSCF0204
Curious dog




Weathercat :)

Weathercat :)



Yellow violet ;)

Bankya Eco-path

A small park near the city of Bankya with a golf club and small lake full of fish.

There is a small pub near the lake – If you want, they will cook fresh fish for you.

The path is very easy and full of nice views.

Definitely a good place to visit in your spare time if you go to Bankya town.

Here is a link to the aerial map:

Еко пътека на здравето.

(гр. Банкя)

Това е малък парк в края на град Банкя, близо до кварталите Градоман и Михайлово.

Има малко езерце с риба по пътя и прилежаща кръчма, в която има прясно приготвена от същата.

Пътеката е много лесна за разходка, почти няма денивелация.

Определено много добро място за губене на време, ако сте в Банкя.

Ето връзка към карта на района с детаили:

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