The Seven Rila lakes is undoubtedly one of the most impressive natural mountain lakes in the Balkans. A place of fable you should see at least once. Their beauty attract all Bulgarians and many foreigners who loved it just by seeing pictures.The seven lakes are huddled in the northwest slope of Rila mountain. They are formed by glacial melting of the circus. The lakes are filled by water siphoned from the peaks “Dry chal”, “Otovishki” and “Charamiya”.All lakes are named for their form. Their ordinary names are:
Most of the lakes are having small fishes. Trout and minnow. But they grow really tiny due to the lack of food and chilly winter. The Universal White Brotherhood (a New Age-oriented religious movement) are coming here each year on August 19 to celebrate their Paneurhythmy (new-year’s celebration according to them). They gather in huge human circles, everyone dressed in white and dance slowly while the sun raises. The legend about the 7 lakes tells the following story: “Thousands of years ago, when the earth was still not inhabited by humans, in the mountain of Rila – 2 giants lived. Man and woman. They were loving each-other without merits, without conditions. They loved their home. So sunny, warm and cozy – no being can remain uncharmed. Unfortunately, one day, the elements got jealous of their love and comfort and sent them dark clouds and strong winds. Strong quakes started to tremble below their abode. Male giant protected viciously each and every critter, each and every blade of grass, each and every stream of water. This only made the elements more determined to destroy the love of the giants. In the battle against the elements, the giant withered and eventually fell. Satisfied, the elements left the devastation and the mourning wife. She was so sad and shriven – her tears never stopped flowing. From her tears flowing on the mountain slopes, 7 lakes were formed with such purity that can strike even the dark hearted. There is a big rock before the “Kidney” lake with forms of the 2 giants. The mountain guides claim those are the giants, petrified in the stone to remain in silent vigil for their lost home. |
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